Training zones calculator

My training plans are based on a system of seven training zones. By purchasing your plan, I will personalize your zones based on your physiological and performance values. However, if you have not decided on a plan yet, you can use the following calculators to know your training zones so that you can train more accurately.

I recommend creating separate training zones for each of your disciplines.

How do I get my FTP?

FTP or Functional Threshold Power are the watts that you are able to sustain during an hour of activity.

To determine your FTP go to a port with a moderate slope (maximum 5%) and make a maximum effort against the clock of 20 minutes. Multiply the average power of the 20 minute interval by 0.95 and this is your FTP.

Enter your FTP
Power (watts)
Recovery pace
< 55% FTP
Medium pace
56 - 75% FTP
High pace
76 - 90% FTP
Very high pace
91 - 105% FTP
Maximum pace
106 - 120% FTP
Submaximal Speed/Power
121 - 150% FTP
Maximum Speed/Power
> 150% FTP