42k · Pace
Plan description
Training plan for 42k asphalt. General and specific phase of preparation.
Intensity references by pace.
Duration of 23 weeks of specific training for MARATHON plus the previous week of recovery for the competition.
General set-up with basic work on strength, basic resistance and speed.
General physical preparation routines at home through suspension training (TRX).
For intermediate and advanced level runners.
Start of the recommended plan between 20 and 24 weeks before the competition.
This plan could be linked after performing the 21k · Pace training plan.
Sample week
Week 2
60' z 2-3

20x100 m. z 7 r. 2' z 1
10' z 1
5x30" z 6 r. 30" z 1
5' z 1
20x100 m. z 7 r. 2' z 1
10-15' z 1
Goal: Aer. Ext.
Continuous training at a comfortable to medium pace during the main phase of the session (z 2-3). Don't forget to warm up 5-10 minutes starting easy and finish with 5' more easy before coming to a complete stop. Warm up and cool down are included in the total training time.
You can go running on mountain roads if you prefer, avoiding technical routes that slow down your pace too much. You have to run all the time).

20 x 15" HILLS
10' z 1
5x30" z 6 r. 30" z 1
5' z 1
20x15" z 7 r. 2' z 1
10-15' z 1
Rest completely this day if you have been able to do all the workouts of the week or use it to have space and run the workouts forward and be able to do them all while maintaining the weekly order.
If you have done them all and you still want to go out and do something, take advantage but without forcing the intensity or the time. That the training of the following days does not condition you due to excess fatigue. Rest is also part of training.

FARTLECK 6x3' z 4
Goal: TL
10' z 1
10' z 2
6x3' z 4
5' z 3
5-10' z 1
TRAIL AER. EXT. (or MTB/Road bike)
Goal: Aer. Ext.
Continuous training at a comfortable pace during the main phase of the session (z 2-3). Don't forget to warm up 5-10 minutes starting easy and finish with 5' more easy before coming to a complete stop. Warm up and cool down are included in the total training time.
Go for a run on mountain roads, avoiding technical routes that slow you down too much.
If you have a bicycle or mtb you can change this trail training for 2 h of cycling/mtb at a pace between 60 - 80% HRmax.