Cycling long distance · Power
Plan description
Specific training plan for GRAN FONDO cycling tours.
Intensity references through power.
General and specific phase of preparation.
Duration of 23 weeks of specific training for cycling tours plus the previous recovery week for the first competition.
General tuning with basic work on strength, basic resistance and speed.
General physical preparation routines at home using suspension training (TRX) .
For intermediate and advanced level cyclists.
Start of the recommended plan between 20 and 24 weeks before the test.
This cycling training plan could be linked after completing the Cyclocross season, following the Cyclocross · HR training plan of 24 weeks duration.
Sample week
Week 2
Goal: General strength
Attached session.
Goal: Aer. Ext.
Continuous training around 1h30 at a comfortable pace with the road bike (56-75% FTP). You can substitute this session for a spinning class without forcing (65-76% Fc Max).

Goal: Cap. Anaer.
15' z 1
20 x 1' z 6 stuck alternating standing and sitting recovering 3'
10' z 1
Goal: General strength
Attached session.
Goal: Aer. Ext.
Continuous training for about 2 hours at a comfortable to medium pace (56-90% FTP). Do more or less according to the availability of time you have. Think more about a lap that motivates you than about strictly complying with the scheduled time.
You can replace this session with two spinning classes for a total of approximately 1h30 and if you have a mtb, for the same time trying to end up with an average heart rate between 70 and 80% compared to max heart rate.

Goal: Aer. Int./Cad.
15' z 1
4 x 15' z 3 at 100 rpm recovering 5' free
15' z 1
Take advantage of this day to rest completely if you have been able to do all the training sessions of the week or use this gap so that you can run the training sessions one day forward from the day you have not been able to train.
If you have done them all but you feel like going out anyway, do it but at a comfortable pace.
Goal: Aer. Ext./Int.
150-180' free intensity
Free continuous training with a group (if possible) of a level similar to yours. Do more or less according to the availability of time you have. Think more about a lap that motivates you than about strictly complying with the scheduled time.
If the weather is bad, you can replace this training with two sessions of free intensity spinning.
If you have mtb and you feel like going out with it, you can change this same training for the same time with mtb ending with an average heart rate around 70-80% of your max heart rate.
Goal: Aer. Ext./Int.
150-180' free intensity
Free continuous training with a group (if possible) of a level similar to yours. Do more or less according to the availability of time you have. Think more about a lap that motivates you than about strictly complying with the scheduled time.
If the weather is bad, you can replace this training with two sessions of free intensity spinning.
If you have mtb and you feel like going out with it, you can change this same training for the same time with mtb ending with an average heart rate around 70-80% of your max heart rate.